Installation and is considerations, Installation and is considerations -6 – ADS Environmental Services Model 3600 530002 A2 User Manual
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ADS 3600 Flow Monitor O&M Manual
monitor cables and the phone lines connect within this interface box
because IS standards require that telephone lines not be routed directly into
a manhole since it is a potentially explosive environment. An additional
precaution can be taken by using an ADS lightning protection module that
is located above the phone line interface box on the pedestal or telephone
pole and which stops high voltages before they reach the interface box.
An alternative to the internal IS modem is the external modem unit(EMU).
Two types of EMUs are available: one with an internal battery power
source and one which uses an external power source. The same IS
standards apply to the EMU which houses both the monitor's modem and
modem battery outside of the manhole. The EMU is either installed in an
above-ground customer supplied box, in a specially dug pit, or in a
pavement or sidewalk box. A cable then connects the EMU with the
monitor to allow communications between the monitor and a central
Only limited field repairs to the QS3600 are allowed; all other repairs must be
performed by an authorized technician. For information on allowable field
repairs, see “Maintenance Restrictions” on page 1-7.
Installation and IS Considerations
When installing the QS3600 flow monitor, carefully follow any local regulations for
the installation of IS equipment. For example, many cities only allow the use of IS-
certified flash lights in manholes. Some cities will not allow the use of an electric
drill–either battery powered or AC powered–in a manhole. In this case, air
(pneumatic) tools must be used.