Guidelines – ADS Environmental Services Model 3600 530002 A2 User Manual

Page 109

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ADS 3600 Flow Monitor O&M Manual


Remember that when a monitor has to be shut down, all flow measurement and
optional functions are also shut down. It is important that you keep monitor
downtime to a minimum. This section explains methods of handling monitor problems
which will help you minimize downtime.

Because the QS3600 flow monitor contains different types of printed circuit boards
and may support a number of different functions, a major troubleshooting step is
identifying the source of the problem as soon as possible. This is called fault isolation.
To isolate a problem, consider the following points.


When data problems occur, identify the affected subsystem(s).


A problem that affects only one of the input/output subsystems is usually
caused by a problem on that subsystem alone: either on the board, on the
sensor (or other input device), or on the cabling.


A problem that affects more than one subsystem can usually be traced to a
problem with the processor board, power source, or communication lines.
Also, a problem with one subsystem can create problems with other
subsystems when the power source or communication lines are faulty.


Problems with communication lines, clock readings, time stamps, and data
storage intervals are usually due to a faulty processor board or to incorrect
information entered on the central computer.


If a failure occurs anywhere outside a connector (i.e., between the connector
and the field input or output devices), then the field units or their cabling is
causing the problem. If the failure occurs on the inside (i.e., between a
connector and the printed circuit boards), then the boards or their cabling is
causing the problem.

Many of the troubleshooting hints suggested in this chapter may be caused by a minor
error and do not require a site visit. For example, incorrect equipment identification
numbers or other system parameters can be re-entered on the central computer.

Inform the data analyst any time a field crew is departed to a monitor site to
troubleshoot problems so that the analyst can attempt to collect the data. If the
problem is a faulty monitor and the analyst cannot remotely collect data, replace the
monitor and have the analyst attempt to collect the data in the office. Then, send the
monitor to ADS for repair.