Maintenance restrictions, Maintenance restrictions -7 – ADS Environmental Services Model 3600 530002 A2 User Manual
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Maintenance Restrictions
As mentioned earlier, all ADS QS3600 flow monitors are manufactured to meet IS
standards. The monitor’s IS certification can be voided instantly if proper
maintenance and service procedures are not followed. ADS must restrict certain
maintenance tasks to ADS IS certified technicians.
ADS allows you to perform only those maintenance tasks which do not require
opening the monitor housing. All other maintenance must be performed by ADS IS-
certified technicians. ADS technicians carefully inspect and document their repairs to
IS monitors. This inspection and documentation process provides legal protection
should the monitor's performance or safety be questioned. It is important to
understand that if the monitor’s housing is opened by unauthorized personnel, the IS
certification is compromised.
For your convenience, ADS allows you to
install and swap monitors,
install and swap sensors,
clean sensors,
calibrate and confirm monitors, and
collect data.
Note: Please note that in all applications, only ADS Service Technicians are
authorized to perform component-level service on the QS3600.
This manual contains the correct procedures for performing routine installation and
maintenance on the QS3600. If you have any question about the procedures, or
regarding the level of service you are allowed to perform on a monitor, contact your
regional ADS office.