Rockwell Automation 5000,D50006.2.10 PI INSTALLATION MANUAL User Manual
Page 71
Chapter 4
Installing the Modules
Specify Switch Settings on the OSI Carrierband/Broadband
Interface Module
Switch: Position:
if there is a valid image in nonĆvolatile memory, the OSI interface module will enter fully operational
mode after:
a power cycle, regardless of the mode preceding the power cycle
you enter a reset command from the AĆB MAP Station Manager, regardless of the mode
preceding the reset
you enter a change mode to Fully Operational from the AĆB MAP Station Manager
if there is not a valid image in nonĆvolatile memory, the OSI interface module will not enter fully
operational mode but will enter Partially Operational mode.
the OSI interface module will enter partially operational mode after:
a power cycle, regardless of the mode preceding the power cycle
you enter a reset command from the AĆB MAP Station Manager, regardless of the mode
preceding the reset
you enter a change mode to Partially Operational from the AĆB MAP Station Manager
the OSI interface module uses user defaults, if available, at powerĆup or reset (see the PI OSI Interface
Software User's Manual for a list of user defaults). If user defaults aren't available, the interface will
use AĆB communication defaults.
the OSI interface module uses AĆB communication defaults at powerĆup or reset.
preset at AĆB
reserved (do not change)
preset at AĆB
reserved (do not change)
Important: Keep switches 3 and 4 in the up position; otherwise, the PI system stays in a power cycle.