Rockwell Automation 2099-BMxx Kinetix 7000 High Power Servo Drive User Manual User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication 2099-UM001D-EN-P - December 2012

Chapter 3

Kinetix 7000 Connector Data


The two fast Registration inputs are provided on the Kinetix 7000 drive, Reg 1
(IOD-14) and Reg 2 (IOD-17). Unlike the Drive Enable, Home, and Overtravel
signals, these inputs are either positive-edge or negative-edge triggered. They are
based on the user-defined MAR (Motion Axis Registration) configured using
RSLogix software.

Figure 34 - MAR (Motion Axis Registration) Entry in RSLogix Software

The MAR instruction captures position data within a 3 μs uncertainty. The
position is directly input to the axis_servo_drive.Registration_Position register
in Logix software.

Figure 35 - Logix Position Register Entry

Power for the inputs is supplied by an internally supplied 24V DC supply.


Table 19


Digital Input Descriptions


Table 20


Digital Input


starting on page


for On/Off signal voltages and current levels.

Registration functions and faults actions are programmed through RSLogix
software. Kinetix 7000 firmware provides an additional 50 ms of debounce.

The schematic below depicts the Registration circuits. It is provided as a reference

ATTENTION: Overvoltage protection is not provided for the Registration input

It is recommended to use the on drive power to power Registration. If an external
power source is used, you must take responsibility to be sure that the voltage/
current does not exceed the rating of the input.