Appendix h, Spare parts list – CiDRA SONARtrac PW VF-100 User Manual
Page 256

20838-01 Rev 08
Page H-1
Appendix H
The following is a list of commonly spared parts for passive sonar systems. Contact
Customer Support for items not found on this list, and for price and availability.
Kit Part
Kit, Spare Fiberglass
Cover Bolts
Replacement set of 13 stainless steel bolts (tin plated), washers, lock-
washers and lock-nuts used to on fiberglass cover assemblies
Spare Band Kit,
Stainless Steel Cover
Replacement stainless steel bands and buckles used to secure the boot
gasket on stainless steel cover assemblies. The
–TAB designates the
cover (pipe) size. Example, S-20352-20 is replacement bands and
buckles for a 20-inch cover. Specify cover size when ordering.
Fiberglass Cover
Replacement Seals
Replacement EPTFE seals used on fiberglass cover assemblies. The S-
20574-08-02 is used on fiberglass covers 8-inch to 2-inch size. The S-
20574-16-10 is used on fiberglass covers 16-inch to 10-inch size.
Spare Sensor Band
Tension Screw and
Spring Set
Replacement set of 9 ultra coated screws, stop washers, spring washers
and retaining rings; hex power bit; spiral tap (used to clean / chase screw
hole threads) used on sensor bands.
S-20592-01 is used on P/N 20380-ALL SIZE sensor bands;
S-20592-02 is used on P/N 20409-ALL SIZE sensor bands
S-20592-06 is used on P/N 20690-ALL SIZE sensor bands without
compliant sheet
S-20292-07 is used on P/N 20690-ALL SIZE sensor bands with compliant
Contact Customer Support for all other sensor bands or with questions
Spare Sensor Band
Screw Gap Gauge
and Sensor Band
Shorting Plug
Replacement spring gap gauge and sensor band shorting plug.
S-20618-01 contains spring gap gauge for use on sensor band P/N
20380-ALL: SIZES
S-20618-02 contains spring gap gauge for use on sensor band P/N
20409-ALL: SIZES
S-20618-03 contains a spring gap gauge for use on sensor band P/N
20690-ALL SIZES and P/N 20686-ALL SIZES
Contact Customer Support for all other sensor bands or with questions
Spare Hardware and
Gasket Replacement
Kit, Stainless Steel
Replacement stainless steel cover flange gaskets, spacers, cover bolt /
washer / nut sets, splice protector plates and joining compound.
Spare Kit, Electronics
Access Cover Screw
and Washer
Replacement self sealing screws with viton o-rings and retaining washers
for use on the electronics access cover.