Figure 20, Editing whole parameter -24, Output config • 4-20ma ch1 power sel. internal – CiDRA SONARtrac PW VF-100 User Manual
Page 118

20833-01 Rev 04
Page 7-24
The following figure shows an example of the second type of
parameter editing. In this case the whole parameter is highlighted and
the up and down arrow keys will cycle between the available settings.
When editing a parameter the ‘ENTER’ key will accept and save the
current value. Alternatively the ‘BACK’ key will return the current
parameter to the value before editing wa
s begun. The ‘EXIT’ key will
also revert to the previous value (similar to the ‘BACK’ key) and will
exit Menu mode. While in Menu mode the screen will return to
operational mode and resume operation after 5 minutes of inactivity.
• 4-20mA Ch1
Figure 20
Editing Whole Parameter
The following tables detail the full menu tree.