CiDRA SONARtrac PW VF-100 User Manual
Page 186

20835-01 Rev 04
Page 9-12
Pressing the
↓ key will next display ‘→Pipe Material’ on Line 2.
Press the
‘ENTER’ key and the pipe modulus for Steel, PVC, or
Stainless Steel (SS) pipe or ‘Custom’ will be displayed. Use the ↑
and ↓ arrow keys to scroll through the list of values. Press
‘ENTER’ to select the material that corresponds to the pipe
material. Selecting Steel, PVC, or SS will automatically enter the
modulus for the selected pipe material. Selecting ‘Custom’ allows
the user to enter the modulus of other pipe materials using the
arrow keys (↑ and ↓ to scroll through the values and ← and → to
change character). Press the
‘ENTER’ key to set the new value.
If no change is made (or after a change in Pipe Material has been
made) pressing the
↓ key will next display ‘→Fluid Properties’ on
Line 2. Press the ‘ENTER’ key and ‘→Specific Gravity’ will
appear on Line 3 and the current value on Line 4. To change the
Line 4 value press ‘ENTER’ and use the arrow keys to enter the
new value. Water at 25 ºC (0.997) is the default. Appendix E lists
values for water at various temperatures. Once the new value has
been entered on Line 4, press ‘ENTER’.
If no change is made (or after a change in Specific Gravity has
been made) pressing the
↓ key will next display ‘→SOS’ on Line 3
and the current value on Line 4. To change the Line 4 value press
‘ENTER’ and use the arrow keys to enter the new value. Water at
25 ºC (4910.4 ft/s) is the default. Appendix E lists values for water
at various temperatures. Once the new value has been entered on
Line 4, press ‘ENTER’.
Once the Fluid Properties have been entered press the
key and
↓ key and ‘→Pressure’ will be displayed on Line 2 and the
current process pressure setting on Line 4. Note: The units are
PSIg. To change the Line 4 value press ‘ENTER’ and use the
arrow keys to enter the new value. This will result in a fixed
pressure being used for GVF calculations. If a Pressure
Transducer will be used to input process pressure into the
transmitter, it is not necessary to enter a pressure.
Pressing the
↓ key will next display ‘→Temperature’ on Line 2 and
the current process temperature setting on Line 4. Note: The units
are user selectable as degrees C or F. To change the Line 4 value
press ‘ENTER’ and use the arrow keys to enter the new value.
This will result in a fixed temperature being used for GVF
calculations. If a Temperature Transducer will be used to input
process temperature into the transmitter, it is not necessary to
enter a temperature.
Pressing the
↓ key will next display ‘→Pressure Sel’ on Line 2. If
an external pressure sensor will not be used to input pressure to
the transmitter,
‘Fixed’ appears on line 4. If set to ‘Fixed’ pressure
input use the
↓ key to scroll to the next menu item. However, if an