Apple Numbers '08 User Manual
Page 291

conditional formatting 67
CONFIDENCE statistical function 216
CORREL statistical function 217
COSH trigonometric function 218
COS trigonometric function 217
COUNTA statistical function 219
COUNTBLANK statistical function 220
COUNTIF statistical function 220
COUNT statistical function 218
COUPDAYBS financial function 221
COUPDAYS financial function 221
COUPDAYSNC financial function 222
COUPNUM financial function 223
COVAR statistical function 224
custom templates
creating 188
creating initial content 191
defining default attributes 189
defining reusable tables 189
defining table styles 188
saving 192
date and time functions 195
DATE date/time function 224
DATEDIF date/time function 225
DAY date/time function 226
DB financial function 226
DDB financial function 227
DEGREES trigonometric function 227
DISC financial function 228
Document Inspector 36, 40
DOLLAR financial function 228
Draw tool 164
EDATE date/time function 229
EVEN mathematical function 229
EXACT text function 230
EXP mathematical function 230
exporting a file
as a CSV file 186
as an Excel file 186
as a PDF file 186
FACT mathematical function 230
FALSE logical function 231
financial functions 196
Find & Replace dialog 148
FIND text function 231
FIXED mathematical function 232
FLOOR mathematical function 232
font smoothing 129
FORECAST statistical function 233
Format Bar 25
formatting text
adjusting character spacing 133
adjusting line spacing 132
adjusting paragraph spacing 133
changing capitalization 123, 129
changing color 125
changing horizontal text alignment 131
changing paragraph background color 126
changing size and appearance 120
changing the inset margin 136
changing vertical text alignment 131
creating shadows 126
setting paragraph indents 136
Formula Editor 88
adding a quick formula 87
adding new 89, 90
adding to multiple cells 93
basic calculation using column values 87
basic calculation using row values 88
deleting 88
editing 89, 91
functions 96
operators 94
performing arithmetic operations 94
performing instant calculations 86
saving or discarding changes 90
using cell references 91
formula tools 26
date and time 195
financial 196
information 198
logical 198
lookup 199
numeric 200
overview of 193
statistical 202
text 204
trigonometric 201
using functions 96
GCD mathematical function 234
Graphic Inspector 112, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 162,