Product, Proper – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual
Page 262

Chapter 12
Dictionary of Functions
The PRODUCT function calculates the product of the numbers in the arguments.
PRODUCT(number, [number, . . .])
 number: One or more numbers or numeric expressions, or references to cells
containing numbers or numeric expressions.
Empty cells in a range are ignored and do not affect the result.
The PROPER function changes the first character in each word of text to uppercase. All
other characters are changed to lowercase.
 text: A text expression.
Any character following a nonalphabetic character is treated as the first letter in a word.
So, for example, any letter following a hyphen is capitalized.
The PV function calculates the present value of an investment, which is the current
value of a series of future payments, based on a specific periodic interest rate over a
given number of periods for a given payment amount. PV stands for present value.
PV(rate, num-periods, [payment], [future-value], [when-due])
 rate: The interest rate per period.
 num-periods: The number of periods.
 payment: Optional; the payment to be made per period. If omitted, you must include
PRODUCT(2, 4) returns 8.
PRODUCT(0.5, 5, 4, 5) returns 50.
PROPER("lorem ipsum") returns "Lorem Ipsum".
PROPER("lorem’s ip-sum") returns "Lorem’s Ip-Sum".
PROPER("1a23 b456") returns "1A23 B456".