The toolbar – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual

Page 24

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Chapter 1

Numbers Tools and Techniques

The Toolbar

The Numbers toolbar gives you one-click access to many of the actions you perform as
you work in Numbers. As you discover which actions you perform most often, you can
add, remove, and rearrange toolbar buttons to suit your working style.

To see a description of what a button does, hold your pointer over it.

The default set of toolbar buttons is shown below.

To customize the toolbar:


Choose View > Customize Toolbar. The Customize Toolbar sheet appears.


Make changes to the toolbar as desired.

To add an item to the toolbar, drag its icon to the toolbar at the top. If you frequently
reconfigure the toolbar, you can add the Customize button to it.

To remove an item from the toolbar, drag it out of the toolbar.

To restore the default set of toolbar buttons, drag the default set to the toolbar.

To make the toolbar icons smaller, select Use Small Size.

To display only icons or only text, choose an option from the Show pop-up menu.

To rearrange items in the toolbar, drag them.


Click Done when you’ve finished.

You can perform several toolbar customization activities without using the Customize
Toolbar sheet:

 To remove an item from the toolbar, press the Command key while dragging the item

out of the toolbar.

You can also press the Control key while you click the item, and then choose Remove
Item from the shortcut menu.

 To move an item, press the Command key while dragging the item around in the


To show and hide the toolbar, choose View > Show Toolbar or View > Hide Toolbar.

Add a sheet.

Add a formula.

Add a table.

Add a chart, text box,
shape, or comment.

Sort and filter rows.

Show or hide Print View,
comments, and more.

Open the Inspector window,

Media Browser, Colors

window, and Font panel.