Coupdaybs, Coupdays – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual
Page 221

Chapter 12
Dictionary of Functions
The COUPDAYBS function counts the number of days from the beginning of the
coupon period in which settlement of a security occurs to the settlement date.
COUPDAYBS(settle, maturity, frequency, [day-count])
 settle: The date of the settlement, usually the date when the security was purchased.
 maturity: The date the security matures (expires).
 frequency: The number of coupon payments each year.
1 means annual payments.
2 means semiannual payments (twice per year).
4 means quarterly payments (four per year).
 day-count: Optional; specifies the number of days per month and days per year used
in the calculations (sometimes called the day count basis).
0 or omitted uses 30/360 (30 days for each month, 360 days in a year).
1 uses actual/actual (the number of days shown on a calendar).
2 uses actual/360 (calendar days for each month but 360 days per year).
3 uses actual/365 (calendar days for each month but 365 days per year).
4 uses 30E/360 (European 30/360).
The COUPDAYS function counts the number of days in the coupon period in which
settlement of a security occurs.
COUPDAYS(settle, maturity, frequency, [day-count])
 settle: The date of the settlement, usually the date when the security was purchased.
 maturity: The date the security matures (expires).
 frequency: The number of coupon payments each year.
1 means annual payments.
2 means semiannual payments (twice per year).
If A1:A4 contain 9/1/2000, 1/1/2001, 4, 1:
COUPDAYBS(A1, A2, A3, A4) returns 62 (the number of days from July 1, the beginning of the current
coupon period, to September 1, on the basis of 31 days in July and August).
COUPDAYBS(A1, A2, A3, 0) returns 60 (the number of days for the same period as the previous
example, but on the basis of 30 days per month).
COUPDAYBS(DATE(2000,7,4), A2, 2, 0) returns 3 (the number of days from July 1 to July 4).