Sumsq – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual

Page 279

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Chapter 12

Dictionary of Functions


If any cell in any of the ranges contains a nonnumeric value, values in corresponding
cells are not included in the calculation.


The SUMSQ function calculates the sum of the squares of a set of numbers. The
numbers can be in individual cells, in ranges of cells, or included directly as arguments
to the function.

SUMSQ(number, [number, . . .])

 number: A number, a numeric expression, or a reference to a cell or range of cells

containing numbers or numeric expressions.


The SYD function calculates the sum-of-years’-digits depreciation of an asset during a
particular period.

SYD(cost, salvage, life, period)

 cost: The initial cost of the asset.
 salvage: The salvage value of the asset.
 life: The number of periods over which the asset is depreciating.
 period: The period for which you want to calculate the depreciation allowance.


SUMPRODUCT(3,4) returns 12.

SUMPRODUCT({1, 2}, {3, 4}) = 3 + 8 = 11.


SUMSQ(3,4) returns 25.

SUMSQ(A1:A4) adds the squares of the list of four numbers.

SUMSQ(A1:D4) adds the squares of the 16 numbers in a square array of cells.

SUMSQ(A1:A4, 10) adds the squares of the numbers in four cells plus 100.

SQRT(SUMSQ(3,4)) returns 5, using the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse of
a triangle with sides 3 and 4.


SYD(10000, 1000, 9, 1) returns $1,800, the depreciation value of a $10,000 asset after 1 year if the
asset’s salvage value is $1,000 after a 9-year life.