Working with text, Adding text, Deleting, copying, and pasting text – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual

Page 119: Chapter 7

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Working with Text

This chapter describes how to add and modify the
appearance of text, including lists.

In Numbers spreadsheets, you can place text in text boxes, table cells, and shapes.

Adding Text

Add text by typing it in a table cell, text box, or shape.
 To learn about adding text to a text box or shape, see “Using Text Boxes and Shapes

to Highlight Text” on page 141.

 To learn how to add text to table cells, see “Working with Text in Cells” on page 55.
 To add text that’s formatted as a list, see “Using Bulleted, Numbered, and Ordered

Lists (Outlines)” on page 137.

Deleting, Copying, and Pasting Text

The Edit menu contains commands that help you perform text editing operations.

Here are ways to edit text:


To copy (or cut) and paste text, select the text and choose Edit > Copy or Edit > Cut.
Click where you want to paste the text.

To have the copied text retain its style formatting, choose Edit > Paste.

To have the copied text take on the style formatting of the text around it, choose Edit >
Paste and Match Style.


To delete text, select the text and choose Edit > Delete or press the Delete key.

If you accidentally delete text, choose Edit > Undo to restore it.

When you use the Copy or Cut command, the selected text is placed in a holding area
called the Clipboard, where it remains until you choose Copy or Cut again or you turn
off your computer. The Clipboard holds the contents of only one copy or cut operation
at a time.