Duplicating, deleting, and moving library items, Viewing library items – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 61

Duplicating, deleting, and moving library items
To duplicate or delete library items, or move them between libraries, select
a library item. (Shift-click to select more than one item.) To deselect selected
items, or to select noncontiguous items, Ctrl+click the items. To select every
item in a library, choose Select All from the library palette’s Edit menu.
Viewing library items
Choose a command from the library palette’s View menu to change the way
items are shown on the library palette.
Find a library item
If necessary, click the triangle in the lower-left corner of the
library palette to expand the palette. Type the item’s name
(or a partial name) in the Name box, and then click Find.
Rename a library item
If necessary, click the triangle in the lower-left corner of
the library palette to expand the palette. Select the item
in the library palette, type a new name in the Name box,
and then click Rename.
Choose Index from the Help menu and type the first few letters of the entry. Double-click the
entry and then double-click a topic.
Select the object(s) and from the
library palette’s Edit menu, choose
Duplicate library items
Delete library items
Move items between libraries
Cut or Copy, and then open the other library and choose
Paste from that library palette’s Edit menu. Or you can
drag library items between libraries.
From the library palette’s View menu, choose
View library items as pictures
By Object
View library items as a list
By Name (when you view by name, you see an item’s
scaled size)
Alphabetize items in a library
Set the number of pixels used to
display items on the library palette
when you view by object
View Options, and then type a size (in pixels) for Horizontal
and Vertical
Do this
In the Help index,
libraries, items in
In the Help index,
libraries, palette