Index – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
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### error 7-24
• in spreadsheet cells 7-22
Absolute references 7-22
Active cell 7-3, 7-25
Address Envelope Assistant 9-22
Address labels. See Labels
Address List Assistant 2-5
Address, cell 7-6
Addresses and names list 2-5, 8-6
Addressing envelopes 2-5, 9-22
Airbrush (Spray can) 6-5
data in
cells 7-10
fields 8-33
fields 8-31, 8-39
objects 5-15
text 4-6, 4-12
text, in text frames 4-6, 5-19
Alphabetizing library items 3-19
AppleArt. See Libraries
AppleWorks 2-1, 3-3
AppleWorks stationery. See
AppleWorks Web site address 1-1
Applying styles 9-8, 9-11, 9-12
See also Objects
reshaping 5-13, 6-5
tool for drawing 5-4
Arrow keys, preferences for 3-21
Arrow pointer 3-4, 3-9
adding to lines 5-10, 6-6
copying settings for 5-11
Art. See Clip art; Pictures
Address List 8-6
Create Labels 8-30
described 1-7, 2-3
Envelope 9-23
Insert Footnote 4-26
Paragraph Sorter 4-13
Table Maker 4-19
Attributes, changing for text 4-7
Auto Calc 7-24
Autogrid 5-7, 5-15, 6-8
AVERAGE function, example 7-27
Avery labels. See Labels
Axes 7-29, 7-30, 7-32
Backup copy 2-8
Bar charts, changing 7-32
Basic styles 9-6, 9-12
Bezigons 5-4, 5-13
See also Objects
Blank documents, creating 2-1
Blending image colors 6-11
Body part. See Parts, database
Bold text 4-7
Book marks
creating 9-2
deleting 9-4
editing 9-3
going to in document 9-4
HTML files, in 11-8
sorting names 9-5
using, in
draw documents 5-21
paint documents 6-14
documents 7-34
word processing
documents 4-34
Web pages, in 11-8
Bookmarks in Help *Help, customizing
cell 7-18
chart 7-32
field 8-33
image 6-6
object and frame 5-3, 5-10
Browse mode (database) 8-2, 8-12
described 11-2
selecting 11-2
starting 11-3
Brush 6-5
Bucket. See Filling; Paint bucket
Bulletin boards 10-2
Bullets 4-11
Business Cards Assistant 2-5
Button bar
See also Buttons
changing number of rows 3-6
creating new 3-7
Default 3-5
displaying pop-up menus 3-6
moving 3-6
positioning 3-6
showing and hiding 3-6
switching 3-6
Button fields
described 8-8
finding 8-25, 8-27
See also Button bar
adding and removing 3-6
creating new 9-28
described 3-5
editing 9-29
macros for *macros
Calculating formulas 7-24
Calculation fields 8-9, 8-10, 8-11
Calendar Assistant 2-5
Cascading windows 3-3
Cell range
described 7-5
entering in formulas 7-23, 7-28
naming 7-12
printing 7-20
setting in charts 7-30
active 7-3, 7-25