Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 265

Choose Index from the Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from the list and click Go To Topic.
described 7-4
linking 9-24
opening and closing 7-4
point of origin 7-4
resizing 7-18
showing and hiding 7-31
tables, as text 4-19, 7-2
Spreadsheet tool 3-4
Spreadsheets and databases,
differences 7-2
Squares, drawing 5-4
See also Objects
SS document type 2-3, 3-9
Starting AppleWorks 2-1
AppleWorks 2-10
default (Options) 2-11
envelope 9-23
described 2-10
opening 2-5
opening with password 2-14
Status bar 1-7, 3-1, 3-9
Storing text and art in libraries 3-17
applying 9-8, 9-11, 9-12
changing for
outlines 4-17
text 4-7
text frames 4-6
copying, pasting, and
deleting 9-15
creating 9-9, 9-11
described 9-5
editing 4-17, 9-13
importing and exporting 9-16
in documents 9-7
outline 4-17, 9-7
turning off 9-11
types of 9-6
using in
an outline 4-13, 4-14, 4-17
any document 9-5–9-16
database documents 8-19,
draw documents 5-11
paint documents 6-6
documents 7-11
text 4-8, 4-9
Stylesheet palette 9-12
Subscript text 4-7
Subtopics in outlines 4-13
Summary fields 8-9, 8-10, 8-11
Superior text 4-7
Superscript text 4-7
Symbols, spreadsheet chart 7-29
Synonyms, finding 4-30
Table styles 9-7
creating with
Assistants 2-4, 4-18
Make Table shortcut 4-19
spreadsheet tool 4-19
tabs, in text 4-10, 4-19
in text 4-18, 4-19, 7-2
styles for 7-11, 9-7
Tabs, setting and changing 4-10
Templates. See Stationery
Terminal, described 10-2
See also Frames; Text frames;
Word processing documents
attributes, changing 4-6, 4-7,
5-19, 7-10, 7-32, 8-19, 8-33
counting words 4-31
custom styles for 4-8, 4-9, 4-13,
cutting, copying, and pasting 4-6
deleting 4-4
finding and changing 4-27
outlines, creating 4-13
pasting 3-10
preferences for 3-21
selecting 4-5
typing, in
database fields 8-12
drawings 5-19
paintings 6-12
spreadsheets 7-5
text documents 4-4
word count 4-31
around pictures 4-32
at end of line 4-4
in spreadsheet cells 7-10
Text cursor. See Insertion point
Text fields 8-8
Text formatting characters 4-6, 4-28
Text frames
See also Frames; Text; Word
processing documents
changing attributes in 4-6, 5-10,
creating in
any document 4-2
database layouts 8-31
draw documents 5-19
paint documents 6-12
documents 7-33
word processing
documents 4-2
described 4-2
linking 9-24
reshaping and resizing 4-3
sorting in 4-13
working with 4-3
Text ruler. See Rulers
Text tool (word processing) 3-4, 3-9
See also Palettes
copying from objects 5-11
custom, creating *editing, patterns
and textures
setting for
database fields 8-33
images 6-6
objects 5-9
Thesaurus 4-30, 4-31
See also Spelling
Tiling windows 3-3
conventions for 3-14
current, in
databases 8-13
text 3-14, 3-15
formatting, in
databases 8-8, 8-33
spreadsheets 7-10
recording automatically 8-9
Tint command 6-11
Title page 3-14
document 2-13
chart 7-29, 7-32
locking 7-19
printing 7-20
Tool Help 1-7