Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 48

AppleWorks 5 User’s Manual
AppleWorks provides specialized button bars. For example, the Assistant
button bar includes all the Assistants for the document type. To switch to a
specialized button bar, choose the name of the button bar you want to display
from the
menu on the button bar.
Showing, hiding, and positioning the button bar
AppleWorks is preset to show the button bar above the document window.
To hide or show the button bar, choose Hide Button Bar or Show Button Bar from
the Window menu.
You can position the button bar above, below, or to the left or right of the
document window, or as a floating palette. To change the button bar, drag it
so it becomes a free-floating palette. To change its size, hold the mouse
button down over the lower-right corner of the palette, and then drag the
corner diagonally until the button bar is the size you want. To change its
position, drag it to where you want it to go. You can also choose Button Bar
Setup from the
menu on the button bar, and then choose an option from
the Position pop-up menu.
Customizing the button bar
To customize the button bar, choose Button Bar Setup from the
menu on the
button bar, and then choose one of these actions:
To move a button to a new location on the button bar, hold down
Ctrl+Alt and drag the icon to where you want it.
Adding and removing buttons
To add or remove buttons, choose Edit Button Bars from the
menu on the
button bar. In the Edit Button Bars dialog box, choose the name of the button
bar you want to edit, and then click Modify. In the dialog box, add and remove
buttons, and then click OK.
Do this
Increase or decrease the number
of rows or columns of buttons
Type a number for rows or columns, up to 20.
Show or hide the palettes or
pop-up menus on the button bar
In the Show Popups and Indicators areas, select or deselect
Choose Index from the Help menu and type the first few letters of the entry. Double-click the
entry and then double-click a topic.
In the Help index,