Creating, opening, and saving libraries, Working with the library palette – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual

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AppleWorks 5 User’s Manual

Creating, opening, and saving libraries

You create and open libraries as you do other AppleWorks documents.

To save or close a library, you choose commands from the File menu on the
library palette.


You can open libraries more quickly if you store them in the Library

folder. If a library is in the AppleWorks Libraries folder (in the same folder
as the AppleWorks application), you can open that library by choosing Library
from the File menu, and then choosing the name of the library.

Working with the library palette


Choose Index from the Help menu and type the first few letters of the entry. Double-click the
entry and then double-click a topic.


From the File menu, choose

Create a library

Library, and then choose New. AppleWorks opens a new library and names
it Library, followed by a number.

Open a library

Library, and then choose a library from the submenu. If you don’t see the
library you want, choose Open, and then locate the AppleWorks Libraries
folder (in the AppleWorks 5 Folder). Select a library and click Open.


From the library palette’s File menu, choose

Save a copy of a library or rename
a library

Save As

Save a library you’ve previously


Close a library



Do this

Add an item to a library

Select the item in the document and click Add on the
library palette.

Use a library item in a document

Select the item from the library palette and click Use.
(You can also drag the item from the library to the

In the Help index,




libraries, creating


libraries, opening

In the Help index,




libraries, items in