Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 264

AppleWorks User’s Guide
Choose Index from the Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from the list and click Go To Topic.
numbers 3-15
images 6-10
objects 5-15
Rounded rectangles, drawing 5-4,
5-13, 6-5
See also Objects
database, viewing data in 8-16,
8-18, 8-19
changing number of 7-4
headings 7-3, 7-19, 7-20
inserting and deleting 7-17
resizing 7-16
selecting 7-6
titles 7-19, 7-20
transposing with
columns 7-7
changing 3-12
graphics 5-7
copying settings for 4-13
setting tabs and
margins 4-8, 4-10
backup copies 2-8
documents 2-7
file formats for 2-15
formatting (stationery) 2-10
HTML files 11-9
libraries 3-18
Scaling, objects 5-12
Scanned pictures 6-13
Scatter chart, example 7-29
Searches, named 8-25
Searching. See Finding
Section break character 4-23
about 4-22
columns in 4-25
counting 4-31
formatting 4-23
inserting and deleting 4-23
numbering 4-25
title pages in 4-19
columns and rows 8-18
fields 8-12, 8-18
layouts 8-30
records 8-20
frames 5-6, 5-20
images 6-7
library items 3-19
objects in
documents 5-6
frames *selecting objects
spreadsheet cells 7-5
text 4-5
drawing 5-3, 5-5
frame 3-9
painting 6-5
Selection rectangle (paint) 6-7
Selection tool. See Arrow pointer
Serial numbers in database fields 8-8
Series, spreadsheet chart, in 7-29,
7-30, 7-32
Session, described 10-2
See also Reshaping or smoothing
images 6-9
objects 5-13
Shearing an image 6-9
Shortcuts. See Button bar; Buttons
Show/hide tools control 3-1
button bar 3-6
field labels 8-33
formatting characters 4-6, 11-4
graphics grid 5-7
margins and page guides 3-11,
palettes 3-4
records 8-21
rulers 3-12
chart or frame 7-31
columns and rows 7-17
grid 7-19
headings 7-19
tool panel 3-4
Size, changing. See Resizing
Slide show options 9-18
Slides 9-16–9-19
Smart quotes 3-21
Smoothing objects 5-13
Soft return 4-4
for mail merge 9-21
name fields 8-13
records 8-7, 8-21, 8-25
links 9-5
paragraphs 2-5, 4-13
spreadsheet data 7-11
Spaces, non-breaking 4-4
See also Dictionaries; Thesaurus
checking 4-29
user dictionaries 4-31
Splitting windows into panes 3-2
Spray can 6-5
Spreadsheet documents
See also Charts; Formulas;
Functions; Spreadsheet frames
• (bullets) in cells 7-22
book marks in 7-34
creating 7-3
described 1-11, 7-3
entering data in 7-5
errors 7-24, 7-25
font, default for 7-10
links to different or same
document 7-34
movies in 9-26
page breaks in 7-19
pictures, adding to 7-32
preferences for 3-20, 3-21
printing 7-20
resizing 7-18
slides in 9-17
text frames, adding to 7-32
when to use 7-1
Spreadsheet frames
See also Charts; Frames;
Spreadsheet documents
changing 7-4, 7-5
creating in
any document 7-3
draw documents 5-20
paint documents 6-12
spreadsheet documents 7-3
word processing
documents 4-19