Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 262

AppleWorks User’s Guide
Choose Index from the Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from the list and click Go To Topic.
arranging 5-15
borders of 5-3, 5-10
appearance of 5-9
orientation of 5-15
coloring 5-10
connecting 5-13
attributes of 5-11
one or more 5-9
deleting 5-9
described 5-3
drawing tools 5-4
duplicating 5-9
filling 5-10
grouping and ungrouping 5-15,
inserting in text 4-31
locking and unlocking 5-16
moving 5-7
pasting 3-10
reshaping or smoothing 5-13
scaling 5-12
selecting 5-6
selection preferences 3-21
storing in libraries 3-17
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)
Online service 10-2
Onscreen Help. See Help
button bar 3-6
AppleWorks 2-8
Assistants 2-3
from different
applications 2-15
linked 9-3
new 2-1
stationery (templates) 2-5
HTML files 11-9
libraries 3-18
fill and pen 5-9
library 3-18
links 9-2
mail merge 9-21
stylesheet 9-5
Operators 7-23, 8-24
Options stationery 2-11
Order keys 7-11
Outdenting (indented
paragraphs) 4-10
Outline styles 4-17, 9-7
Outlines 4-13–4-16
Ovals, drawing 5-4
See also Objects
document windows 3-3
images 6-2
objects 5-15, 6-2
Page view 2-16, 3-11
adding to draw documents 5-18
breaking, in documents
database 8-36
spreadsheet 7-19
word processing 4-21
counting 4-31
displaying in word processing
documents 4-22
going to 3-4
margins and guides for,
showing/hiding 3-11, 3-16
master 5-17
numbering 3-15
orientation and size of 2-16,
title 3-14, 4-19
viewing in page view 3-11
Paint bucket 6-5
Paint documents
See also Paint frames
book marks in 6-14
creating 6-2
described 1-11, 6-3
linked frames in 9-26
links to different or same
document 6-14
memory for 6-14
painting in 6-4
pictures in 6-13
preferences for 3-20
resizing 6-14
resolution and depth 6-13
slides in 9-17
text and spreadsheets in 6-12
tools, using in 6-4
when to use 6-1
zooming images in 6-9
Paint frames
See also Frames; Paint
book marks in 6-14
creating in
any document 6-2
draw documents 5-20
documents 7-33
word processing
documents 4-31
described 6-3
linking 9-24
links to different or same
document 6-14
opening and closing 6-4
painting in 6-4
point of origin 6-4
resizing 6-4
Painting tools 6-5
Paintings and drawings, differences
between 6-2
See also Colors; Gradients;
Patterns; Textures
described 3-7
fill and pen 5-9, 6-6
library 3-17
links 9-2
mail merge 9-21
preferences for 3-21
shortcuts. See button bar
stylesheet 9-5
Pane controls 3-1
Paragraph Sorter Assistant 2-5, 4-13
Paragraph styles 9-7, 9-12
adding bullets, numbers, or
checkboxes to 4-11
aligning text in 4-12
copying ruler settings for 4-13
counting 4-31
indenting 4-10
line spacing, changing 4-8
reordering 4-11
sorting 2-5
space between 4-12