Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 260

AppleWorks User’s Guide
Choose Index from the Help menu and scroll to the entry. Then choose a topic from the list and click Go To Topic.
headings 7-19
tool panel 3-4
Home Finance Assistant 2-5
Horizontal lines in HTML files 11-4
Horizontal pane control 3-2
Host computer, described 10-2
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML files
See also Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML); Internet;
Web pages; World Wide Web
adding pictures to 11-5
creating 11-4
described 11-3
design tips 11-3
editing 11-9
opening 11-9
saving (exporting) as 11-9
HyperTerminal 10-1
Hypertext links. See Links
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
See also Electronic mail; HTML
files; Internet; Web pages;
World Wide Web
described 11-1
Hyphenation 4-30
button bar. See Buttons
finding names of 1-7
combining 6-11
described 6-4
pasting 3-10
selecting 6-7
storing in libraries 3-17
transforming 6-9–6-11
working with 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10,
See also Inserting
databases 8-37
documents 2-15
HTML files 11-9
styles 9-16
See also Margins
outline topics 4-16
paragraphs 4-10
Index, Help 1-5
Indicators, frame link 9-25
Inferior text 4-7
Inline pictures and frames 4-31
Insert Footnote Assistant 2-5, 4-26
See also Importing
cells, columns, and rows 7-17
clip art 2-15, 5-19, 6-13
column breaks 4-21
data 8-15, 8-37
parts 8-34–8-36
documents 2-15
footnotes 2-5, 4-26
page breaks, in documents
spreadsheet 7-19
word processing 4-21
page numbers 3-15
pictures, in
database fields 8-14
database layouts 8-32
drawings 5-19, 6-13
paintings 6-13
spreadsheets 7-32
word processing
documents 4-31
sections in a word processing
document 4-23
Insertion point 4-2
Installing dictionary or
thesaurus 4-31
See also Electronic mail; HTML
files; Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML); Web pages;
World Wide Web
described 11-1
sending and receiving electronic
mail 11-10
Introduction to AppleWorks 1-1
Inverting images 6-11
ISP (Internet Service Provider) 11-2
Italic text 4-7
Items, library. See Libraries
Justified text 4-12
Keys, order 7-11
Keywords, in document
summary 2-13
creating 2-5, 8-30
described 8-29
printing 8-39
outline 4-13, 4-16
paragraph 4-11
spreadsheet chart 7-29, 7-30
Labels Assistant 2-5, 8-30
Lasso 6-7, 6-14
Layout mode (database) 8-2, 8-27
See also Database documents;
Fields; Records
changing 8-31–8-32
columnar 8-16, 8-17, 8-29, 8-30
creating 8-29, 8-30
deleting 8-32
described 8-27
duplicating 8-32
naming 8-29, 8-32
selecting 8-30
standard 8-34
types of 8-28–8-29
viewing 8-31
Leading grand summary. See Parts,
Leading in text 4-12
Legends, spreadsheet chart 7-29, 7-32
Letters, in page numbers 3-15
Levels (subtopics) in outlines 4-13
Libraries 3-17–3-19, 5-19
Library items, alphabetizing 3-19
Line breaks 4-4
Line charts 7-28
Line spacing in text 4-12