Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 167

Start by choosing Show Tools from the Window menu to display the
tool panel.
Do this
Add AppleWorks
clip art to a spreadsheet
From the File menu, choose Library and then
select a library. In the library palette, select
the item you want and click Use.
Draw directly in
the spreadsheet
Select a drawing tool, move the pointer into
the document, and drag to create an object.
Add a paint frame to
a spreadsheet
Select the paint tool
, move the pointer
into the document, and drag to create the
frame. Then, use the painting tools to paint in
the frame.
Add a text frame
Select the text tool
and click once in the
spreadsheet. Select a font, size, and style, and
then type your text.
Display handles on a
frame so you can treat it
as an object
Click the frame once.
For information on
In the Help index,
Copying and pasting pictures in a spreadsheet
Inserting (importing) pictures created in another application
Insert command
Choose Index from the Help menu and type the first few letters of the entry. Double-click the
entry and then double-click a topic.
Add clip art from an
AppleWorks library
Draw a rectangle and
fill it with a gradient
Type in a text frame,
rotate the frame, and drag
it over the rectangle
In the Help index,
drawing, tools
frames, creating
libraries, using
Clip art in a library