Moving data – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual

Page 141

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When the insertion point is active in the entry bar, the arrow keys move

the insertion point. Otherwise, the arrow keys select an adjacent cell. To use
the arrow keys to always select cells, choose Preferences from the Edit menu.
In the Preferences dialog box, choose Spreadsheet from the Topic pop-up
menu, select Always Selects Another Cell, and then click OK.

Moving data

You can move selected cells using the keyboard and mouse, or using
menu commands.


When you move cells that are part of an absolute reference in a

formula, be sure to move the entire range of cells in the calculation.

Check spelling

Choose Writing Tools from the Edit menu and then choose
Check Document Spelling.

Find and change cell data

Choose Find/Change from the Edit menu and then choose
Find/Change. Type in the Find what and Change to boxes, and
then click Find Next or Change All.

Find data that matches a

Select a cell or text, choose Find/Change from the Edit menu, and
then choose Find Selection.


Choose Index from the Help menu and type the first few letters of the entry. Double-click the
entry and then double-click a topic.


Select the cells you want to move and then

Move the cell contents and
retain the original cell

Choose Move from the Calculate menu. Type the cell address
of the new location (for example,


), and then click OK. (For

a cell range, type the new location for the upper-left cell in
the range.)

Move cell contents quickly Hold down

Ctrl+Alt and click in the cell (or at the top left cell

for a range) where you want the selection to go.

You can also use the mouse to drag the cells to another location
on the spreadsheet.

Transpose a column of data
into a row, or a row of data
into a column

Choose Cut from the Edit menu. Then select the target cell or
range and choose Paste Special from the Edit menu. In the Paste
Special dialog box, click Transpose Rows and Columns, and then
click OK. (Transposed data overwrites any existing data.)


Do this

In the Help index,




entering spreadsheet data


transposing rows and columns