Numbering pages – Apple AppleWorks 5 : Windows 95/NT 4.0 User Manual
Page 57

Numbering pages
You can display the current page number or page count on any page of a
document. The page number is updated when you add or remove pages, or
change the starting page number.
To repeat the page number on every page of a document, put it inside a
header or footer. See “Creating headers and footers” on page 3-12.
AppleWorks is preset to paginate a document using numbers. To use Roman
numerals or letters, choose an option from the Representation pop-up menu
in the Insert Page Number dialog box.
A fixed date or time (one
that does not update when
you close and reopen the
document) in a text frame,
word processing document,
header, or footer
Hold down Alt as you choose
Insert Date or Insert Time from the
Edit menu.
Choose Index from the Help menu and type the first few letters of the entry. Double-click the
entry and then double-click a topic.
To insert
Do this
The current page
number or page count
in a text frame or word
processing document
Place the insertion point in the
document or frame and choose
Insert Page # from the Edit menu.
Then select Page Number to insert the
page number, or Document Page Count
to insert the total number of pages
in the document.
The current page
number or page count
in a header or footer
Place the insertion point in the
header or footer and choose Insert
Page # from the Edit menu. Then
select Page Number to insert the page
number, or Document Page Count to
insert the total number of pages in
the document.
A fixed page number
that does not update
whenever pages are
added or removed
Hold down Alt as you choose Insert
Page # from the Edit menu.
To insert
Do this
In the Help index,
Insert Page # command
Page number and document
page count shows a range
Page number inserted in a footer