Apple Aperture Getting Started User Manual

Page 220

background image



selecting keywords to copy 135
Selection tool 37, 101
Select ratings 118
selects 15
Select to Beginning and Select to End
commands 74
Send Backward button 196
sensor dust 156
sepia effects 156
series of images 106
Set Compare Item command 86, 117
Set Master Page pop-up menu 196, 198
settings 46
setting up systems 11, 21–28
shadow adjustments 156
shortcut menus 47
shortcuts. See
keyboard shortcuts
Show All Images button 166
Show crop marks 173
Show Full Spreads button 197
Show Keyword Controls command 129
Show Master Image button 33, 101
Show Single Pages button 197
Show Unplaced Images button 166
shutter speeds 40
Shuttle control 70, 71, 96
single image printing 172
Single Images preset 173
single page view 197
sites. See webpages
Site Theme button 189
Slideshow button 36

changing images in 161
keyboard shortcuts 161
overview 159–161

Slow Dissolve setting 160
Smart Albums

creating 36, 140, 152
defined 16
deleting 154
overview 151–152
saving search results as 150
in workflow 12

Smart Web Gallery Albums 150
softcover books 197
Sort Direction button 69
sorting images

in Browser 32, 69
by ratings 115
in list view 70, 72
in workflow 12

Sorting pop-up menu 69
source vaults 207
Span option (multiple displays) 89
Split Stack command 110

splitting stacks 110
spot adjustments 37, 101, 156
Spot tool 37, 101
Stack 37
Stack command 107
Stack Pick button 37, 100

adding and removing images 109
arranging images in 109
closing 100
creating 106
creating manually 107
keyboard shortcuts for 111
marking picks 100
opening or closing 100, 108
overview 105
picks 105
promoting and demoting images 109
selecting pick images for 108
splitting 110
tools 37
unstacking images 110

Stamp button 135
Stamp tool 38, 101, 136
star ratings 113
startup disks 28
stock ID numbers 148
stopping slideshows 161
storage space on external disks 204
straightening images 37, 101, 156
Straighten tool 37, 101
Subfolder format 178
subfolders 65

between projects 51

synchronizing vaults and backup files 19
system setup 11, 21–28


templates for books 193

adding to webpages 188
in books 196
on contact sheets 172
searching for images by 141

text boxes 196, 199
Text Style pop-up menu 196
Theme button 196, 200
Theme dialog 200
theme list 194

for books 193, 200
for webpages 189

Thumbnail Image Preset pop-up menu 191
Thumbnail Resize slider 70, 96