Stacking images andmakingpicks, An overview of stacks, Chapter 9 – Apple Aperture Getting Started User Manual
Page 105: Stacking images and making picks, See chapter 9, Stacking images, And making picks

Stacking Images
and Making Picks
Photographers frequently shoot a series of related photos
with the aim of selecting one image for use. Aperture makes
it easy to choose the best image out of a series.
This chapter covers the stack feature and how you can use it to select a pick image
from a group of related photos, the remainder of which you do not intend to use.
An Overview of Stacks
A stack is a set of similar or related images from which one image will be selected for
use. Aperture can automatically group such photos into stacks when you import them
from a camera or memory card. You can also select images and create stacks manually.
A stack appears in the Browser as a group of images. The image that represents the
stack, called the pick, is selected and displayed on the left. You can select any image in
the stack as the pick, and it moves to the leftmost position in the stack. You can
rearrange the order of images in a stack. For example, you might choose an alternate
image and position it next to the pick. A Stack button appears in the upper-left corner
of the pick image in the stack, indicating the number of images in the stack.
The Stack button
indicates the number of
images in the stack.
A stack with five images is
shown expanded, or open.