Apple Aperture Getting Started User Manual
Page 219
rating images
assigning ratings 114
buttons for 34
comparing images 117
finding images by ratings 142
keyboard shortcuts 118, 119
overview 113
sorting rated images 115
Rating pop-up menu 142
ratings buttons 34, 97
RAW files 56, 80
rearranging display positions 26
rearranging images
on book pages 196
in Browser 75
in Light Table 166
in slideshows 161
in stacks 109
on webpages 189
Rebuild Book With All Images command 198
recovering from file losses 202
red channels 156
red-eye adjustments 156
Red Eye tool 38, 101
redoing actions 47
red rectangle symbol 88
Reduce Selection command 74
red Vault Status buttons 203
referenced images 13, 18, 80
backing up 202
displaying a list 81
identifying 81
locating 82
reflowing images in books 196
Reject button 34, 97, 114
rejecting images 34, 97, 114
Reject ratings 113
Remove From Favorites command 52
Remove Keyword button 123, 128
Remove Vault command 206
See also deleting
book pages 198
hard disks 206
images from Light Table 165
images from slideshows 161
images from Smart Albums 154
images from stacks 109
keywords 128, 138
projects from favorites 52
vaults 206
resetting images
fonts 172
images for printing 172
Loupe tool 87
resizing images
on book pages 199
in Light Table 166
on webpages 190
Restore Library dialog 207
retouching images 101
revealing images in Light Table 168
rolls from iPhoto Libraries 66
Rotate buttons 97
Rotate Left and Rotate Right buttons 34, 97
Rotate Left and Rotate Right tools 37, 101
rotating images
in Browser 76
in filmstrip 97
tools 34, 37, 101
rows of images on webpages 190
Rows value slider 189
Run Slideshow dialog 160
saturation 156
Save as PDF button 175
books as PDFs 175
search results 150
Scale To Fill command 199
Scale to Fit All Items button 169
Scale to Fit button 197
Scale To pop-up menu 172
scroll bar 70, 96
search criteria
combining 148, 149
filtering by 140
matching 140
Smart Albums and 154
search criteria options 140
Search field 70, 96, 122, 140
searching 148
searching for images. See finding images
secondary Viewer 89
Select All command 74
Select button 34, 97, 114
Select Destination command 207
selecting images
for Light Table albums 164
to import 59
multiple images 74
primary selections 73
Selection tool 101