Apple Aperture Getting Started User Manual

Page 214

background image



EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) data

date information 144
displaying 40, 76
exporting 177
finding images with 147

Exit Full Screen button 98
Export dialog 178
Exported Master Name Format pop-up menu 179

digital master files 178
export presets 180
keywords as IPTC data 121
overview 177
PDF files 175
projects 67
versions 179
watermarks 182
XMP sidecar file 179

Export Name Format pop-up menu 180
Export Preset pop-up menu 180
export presets 180, 181

versions of images 180

Export Presets dialog 181
exposure adjustments 156
exposure metadata 40
extended desktop mode 26
external FireWire drives 28
external hard disks

backing up to 202
disconnecting 206
identifying 205
offsite storage 205
restoring from 207
space on 204
vaults on 19, 204

Extract Item command 109


facing pages 197
Fade through Black setting 160
favorite projects 52
file formats 56

assigning automatically 56
in Metadata Inspector 40
searching for images by 141, 148
selecting for exported images 179


size in Metadata Inspector 40

file size

searching for images by 148

file status 148
filmstrip 94, 95, 98, 99
filtering search criteria 140
filters on book images 196

finding images

in the Browser 70
with combinations of criteria 148, 149
by date 144
by EXIF data 147
in filmstrip 96
by IPTC data 146
by keywords 143
by names or text 141
Query HUD 139–140
by ratings 142
saving search results 150
Smart Albums and 151–154

finding keywords 122, 125
FireWire cables 22
five star ratings 34
flash information 40
focal length metadata 40

defined 13, 17
deleting 54
importing 64
importing images from 62
Smart Albums 151

Font Size pop-up menu 172
full page spreads 197
full-resolution display 88
Full Screen button 33, 95
Full Screen mode 33, 43

entering and exiting 95
filmstrip 95
keyboard shortcuts 104
overview 93
toolbar 99
using HUDs in 102


Gallery Pages panel 188
Gamma setting 172
GIF files 56, 80
graphics cards 24
green channels 156
grid view 32, 71
Gridview Background Level slider 73
Grid View button 69
Grow Selection command 74


hard copies of books 200
hardcover books 197
hard disks

backing up to 202
disconnecting 206
external FireWire drives 28
identifying 205