Apple Aperture Getting Started User Manual
Page 218

adding to or removing from books 196
aligning and resizing images on 199
navigating through 197
number to print 172
removing from books 198
text boxes 199
Pages panel 196
panning images 88
paper size settings 172
patch adjustments 37, 101, 156
Patch tool 37, 101
pausing slideshows 161
PDF files 175
Photo Box Alignment command 199
photo boxes 196, 199
Photo Filter pop-up menu 196
Photoshop files (PSD) 56, 80, 177
Pick command 108
defined 105
marking images as 100
selecting 108
PNG files 13, 56, 80, 177
posting webpages to web 191
preferences 46
preset export options 179, 180
preset information display 91
preset keywords 35, 122, 129, 130
preset layouts 46
preset print settings 172, 173
preset slideshows 160
previewing printing options 173
Previous Image button 34, 73, 97
Previous Page button 197
Primary Only button 33, 98
primary selections 33, 73, 98
primary Viewer 89
Print button 197
Print dialog 170, 171
printer settings 172
.Mac account printing service 193
book pages 197
books 175, 193–200
contact sheets 174
images 171–175
layout options 172
Light Table arrangements 170
metadata sets 172
multiple images 173
ordering printed books 200
single images 173
to PDF files 175
Use Best DPI 172
print resolution 172
Project Action pop-up menu 31
project buttons 36
Project Management layout 46
copying and moving images between 80
creating 36, 50
defined 13, 15
deleting 54
deleting images 53
dragging image files into 63
empty 58, 59
exporting 67
favorites 52
importing images into 55, 58, 64
naming 50
opening and closing 50
organization tips 56
Projects panel functions 31
Smart Albums and 153
switching between 51
tools 36
transferring 15
transferring projects 67
in workflow 11
Projects panel 31, 54
Projects pop-up menu 31
Promote button 100
promoting images 79, 100, 109
proofing books 200
PSD files 56, 80, 177
Publish Album As option 191
publishing webpages 191
Publish to .Mac command 191
purchasing books 197, 200
Query HUD
creating Smart Albums 152
date searches 144
displaying 43
EXIF data searches 147
IPTC data searches 146
keyword searches 143
multiple-criteria searches 148, 149
overview 139–140
ratings-based searches 142
saving search results 150
sorting images by ratings 116
text searches 141
in workflow 12
Query HUD Action pop-up menu 140
Query HUD button 69, 96
QuickTime-compatible file formats 56