Reloading at a specific time, Reloading after a specific amount of time, Canceling a scheduled reload – Brocade BigIron RX Series Hardware Reference Manual User Manual

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Brocade BigIron RX Series Hardware Installation Guide



Scheduling a system reload


Reloading at a specific time

To schedule a system reload for a specific time, use one of the following methods.

To schedule a system reload from the primary flash module for 6:00:00 AM, January 19, 2004,
enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI:

BigIron RX# reload at 06:00:00 01-19-04

Syntax: reload at <hh:mm:ss> <mm-dd-yy> [primary | secondary]

<hh:mm:ss> is the hours, minutes, and seconds.

<mm-dd-yy> is the month, day, and year.

primary | secondary specifies whether the reload is to occur from the primary code flash module or
the secondary code flash module. The default is primary.

Reloading after a specific amount of time

To schedule a system reload to occur after a specific amount of time has passed on the system
clock, use one of the following methods.

To schedule a system reload from the secondary flash one day and 12 hours later, enter the
following command at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI:

BigIron RX# reload after 01:12:00 secondary

Syntax: reload after <dd:hh:mm> [primary | secondary]

<dd:hh:mm> is the number of days, hours, and minutes.

primary | secondary specifies whether the reload is to occur from the primary code flash module or
the secondary code flash module.

Displaying the amount of time remaining before a
scheduled reload

To display how much time is remaining before a scheduled system reload takes place, use one of
the following methods.

To display how much time is remaining before a scheduled system reload, enter the following
command from any level of the CLI:

BigIron RX# show reload

Canceling a scheduled reload

To cancel a scheduled system reload, enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level of
the CLI:

BigIron RX# reload cancel