AMD SB600 User Manual
Page 30

©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
SATA Registers (Device 18, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual
Page 30
Command Completion Coalescing Control(CCC_CTL) - RW – 32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + 14h]
Field Name
CCC Interrupt (INT)
Read Only
Specifies the interrupt used by the CCC feature. This
interrupt must be marked as unused in the Ports
Implemented (PI) register by the corresponding bit being set
to ‘0’. Thus, the CCC interrupt corresponds to the interrupt
for an unimplemented port on the controller. When a CCC
interrupt occurs, the IS.IPS[INT] bit shall be asserted to ‘1’.
This field also specifies the interrupt vector used for MSI.
Command Completions
Specifies the number of command completions that are
necessary to cause a CCC interrupt. The HBA has an
internal command completion counter, hCccComplete.
hCccComplete is incremented by one each time a selected
port has a command completion. When hCccComplete is
equal to the command completions value, a CCC interrupt is
signaled. The internal command completion counter is reset
to ‘0’ on the assertion of each CCC interrupt. A value of ‘0’
for this field shall disable CCC interrupts being generated
based on the number of commands completed, i.e. CCC
interrupts are only generated based on the timer in this case.
Timeout Value (TV)
The timeout value is specified in 1 millisecond intervals. The
timer accuracy shall be within 5%. hCccTimer is loaded with
this timeout value. The hCccTimer is only decremented when
commands are outstanding on selected ports. The HBA will
signal a CCC interrupt when hCccTimer has decremented to
‘0’. The hCccTimer is reset to the timeout value on the
assertion of each CCC interrupt. A timeout value of ‘0’ is
Command Completion Coalescing Ports - RW – 32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + 18h]
Field Name
Ports (PRT)
This register is bit significant. Each bit corresponds to a
particular port, where bit 0 corresponds to port 0. If a bit is
set to ‘1’, the corresponding port is part of the command
completion coalescing feature. If a bit is cleared to ‘0’, the
port is not part of the command completion coalescing
feature. Bits set to ‘1’ in this register must also have the
corresponding bit set to ‘1’ in the Ports Implemented register.
An updated value for this field shall take effect within one
timer increment (1 millisecond).