All devices in poll mode send their addresses, List commands, Set ambient pressure for calculations – Vaisala HMT310 User Manual
Page 51

Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 51
All Devices in POLL Mode Send Their
Syntax: FIND
List Commands
Syntax: HELP
Set Ambient Pressure for Calculations
Syntax: PRES aaaa.a
Syntax: XPRES aaaa.a
aaaa.a =
Absolute pressure (hPa)
The XPRES command should be used if the value is changed frequently.
Its value is not retained at reset, and when set to 0, the value set with the
PRES command is used.
If the gauge pressure is 1.4 bar, set the pressure value to 2.4 bar (= 2400
>pres 2400
: 2400
See also other documents in the category Vaisala Humidifiers:
- Calibration of Digital Transmitters with HMI41 (36 pages)
- Calibration of Series HMDW2030 and HMP130 Transmitter with HMI41 (14 pages)
- Calibration of Series HMDW6070 and HMP140 Transmitter with HMI41 (30 pages)
- HM34 (30 pages)
- HM40 (47 pages)
- HM44 (52 pages)
- HM70 (83 pages)
- HMD40 (1 page)
- HMD60 (4 pages)
- HMD70 (18 pages)
- HMDW110 (62 pages)
- HMDW80 (51 pages)
- HMI41 (74 pages)
- HMP41 (72 pages)
- HMK15 (39 pages)
- HMM100 (71 pages)
- HMM105 (23 pages)
- HMM211 (42 pages)
- HMM212 (36 pages)
- HMM213 (52 pages)
- HMP140 (28 pages)
- HMP155 (84 pages)
- HMP228 (115 pages)
- HMP230 (163 pages)
- HMP240 (130 pages)
- HMP260 (118 pages)
- HMP60 (71 pages)
- HMT100 (52 pages)
- HMT120 (87 pages)
- HMT130 (95 pages)
- HMT140 (76 pages)
- HMT310 (88 pages)
- HMT330 (209 pages)
- HMT360 (97 pages)
- HMT360 (63 pages)
- HMT360N (110 pages)
- HMW40 (1 page)
- HMW90 (110 pages)
- SHM40 (68 pages)
- RDP100 (14 pages)