Set transmitter in poll mode, Output formatting, Set serial output format – Vaisala HMT310 User Manual
Page 45

Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 45
Set Transmitter in POLL Mode
Syntax: CLOSE
In STOP mode: the command OPEN has no effect, CLOSE sets the
transmitter temporarily in POLL mode.
In POLL mode: the command OPEN sets the transmitter temporarily in
STOP mode, CLOSE returns the instrument to POLL mode.
Relative humidity calibration is performed at transmitter 2, which is in
POLL mode.
>open 2
Opens the line to transmitter 2.
Calibration started.
Line closed.
Output Formatting
Set Serial Output Format
Syntax: FORM x
x = Formatter string
The FORM command can be used to change the format of the output
commands SEND and R.
The format string entered with the FORM command consists of
quantities and modifiers: use the quantity abbreviations and modifiers
presented in Table 13 and in Table 14 when selecting the output