Output state of chemical purge or sensor heating, With send and r commands) – Vaisala HMT310 User Manual
Page 49

Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 49
Output State of Chemical Purge or
Sensor Heating (with SEND and R
Syntax: FST x
x = ON/OFF (default = OFF)
>fst on
Form. status : ON
N 0 RH= 40.1 %RH T= 24.0 'C Td= 9.7 'C Tdf= 9.7 'C a=
8.7 g/m3 x= 7.5 g/kg Tw= 15.6 'C ppm= 11980 pw= 12.00
hPa pws= 29.91 hPa h= 43.2 kJ/kg
Purge started, press any key to abort.
S 134 RH= 40.2 %RH T= 24.1 'C Td= 9.8 'C Tdf= 9.8 'C a=
8.8 g/m3 x= 7.5 g/kg Tw= 15.7 'C ppm= 12084 pw= 12.10
hPa pws= 30.11 hPa h= 43.5 kJ/kg
Letters and values indicating the state of the probe:
N ... xxx → normal operation
xxx = probe heat power (W)
X ... xxx → sensor heating
xxx = sensor temperature
H ... xxx → chemical purge
xxx = sensor temperature
S ... xxx → sensor cooling after purge
xxx = sensor temperature
For more information about chemical purge, see pages 57 through 60.
For more information about sensor heating, see pages 61 through 62.