HP e-CommerceXML Accelerator sa7150 User Manual

Page 92

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C H A P T E R 5 HP e-Commerce/XML Server Accelerator SA7150 User Guide


insert server

XML servers exist in a numeric hierarchy reflecting the order in
which they were created with the create server command. The
system assigns a server index number to each server as it is
created, incrementing the number with each new server. This order
is relevant to XML operations—in cases in which a document has
a match with two XML patterns of two different servers, the
message is sent to the server with the lower index number. This
command allows you to alter the order within that hierarchy by
assigning an index number to a server.

NOTE: Before using this command, execute the show server
command to view the current hierarchy of server index numbers.


HP SA7150> insert server


insert server 2
Name: Gold
Server IP:
Cleartext (server) port [80]: 8080
Server MAC Address: 22:33:44:55:66:77

show server

Display the list of XML servers along with Server names, IDs, IP
addresses, and ports.


HP SA7150> show server
Server ID Server IP Port MAC Address Server Name

========= ========= ===== =================

1 80 00:a0:c9:fc:84:ab Standard
2 80 01:a9:bw:cf:69:cd Premier

