HP e-CommerceXML Accelerator sa7150 User Manual

Page 70

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C H A P T E R 4 HP e-Commerce/XML Server Accelerator SA7150 User Guide


3. Create a mapping for the server with the create map command:

HP SA7150> create map

Server IP []:

Network port [443]:

Cleartext (server) port [80]:

KeyID to use for mapping: default

HP SA7150>

4. After you have manually created the mapping, you can delete the

default mapping. In this case, delete MapID number 1. The
SA7150 automatically sorts MapIDs as they are created and
deleted, thus MapID number 2 becomes MapID number 1 when
the default is deleted.

HP SA7150> delete map 1

HP SA7150> list maps

Map Net Ser Cipher Re- Client well

ID KeyID Server IP Port Port Suites direct Auth XML form

== ===== ========= ===== ==== ======== ===== ===== === ====

1 default 443 80 all(v2+v3)n n n N/A

HP SA7150>

5. Save the configuration when the server has been mapped.

HP SA7150>config save

Saving configuration to flash...

Configuration saved to flash

HP SA7150>