Procedure – HP e-CommerceXML Accelerator sa7150 User Manual

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C H A P T E R 3 HP e-Commerce/XML Server Accelerator SA7150 User Guide


To paste an item (key, certificate signing request, etc.) into

1. Display the item in the appropriate application window, then

click and drag to select the item.

2. Once the item is selected, click the Edit menu and select Copy

(or type ).

3. Move to the HyperTerminal* window, and position the cursor at

the appropriate point.

4. Pull down the Edit menu, and select Paste to Host (or type


Obtaining a
from VeriSign*
or Other

Use the create key command to create your key and the create sign
command to create a signing request to be sent to VeriSign* or other
certificate authority for authentication. The certificate authority will
return it in approximately one to five days. After you have received
the certificate, use the import cert command to import it into the

The fields input to create a signing request are called collectively a
Distinguished Name (DN). For optimal security, one or more fields
must be modified to make the DN unique.


Create a key.

1. Type the create key command at the prompt.

HP SA7150> create key

Key strength (512/1024) [512]:

New keyID [001]: 002

Keypair was created for keyID: 002

2. Create a Certificate Signing Request.

HP SA7150> create sign 002

You are about to be asked to enter

information that will be incorporated into

your certificate request. The "common name"

must be unique. For other fields, you could

use default values.