HP e-CommerceXML Accelerator sa7150 User Manual

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G L O S S A R Y HP e-Commerce/XML Server Accelerator SA7150 User Guide



Any encryption algorithm, either symmetric or public key, operating
either as a data stream or divided into blocks.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used in the XML expression components
of XML patterns allow the SA7150 to look for specific values in the
XML data tree. These operators are: =, !, <, >, <=, and >=.

Context Node

The node that establishes the level within the XML data tree’s
hierarchy at which the SA7150 searches for a match when comparing
incoming XML documents to active XML patterns.

“Default” XML Keyword

Keyword used as an XML pattern’s XML expression component to
catch cases not covered by active XML patterns with specific XML


Domain Name Server. A mechanism used in the Internet for
translating the names of host computers into addresses.


An object in an XML document, e.g., ,

, or
. Elements often contain attributes (see).


Permanent (non-volatile) storage for configuration changes.

Fulfillment Server

A server that stores content used to satisfy user requests.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol: the protocol used between a Web
browser and a server to request a document and transfer its contents.


HTTP exchanged over an SSL-encrypted session.


When the SA7150 is able to process SSL traffic, the Inline LED on
the front panel is lit (blinking or steadily illuminated).


Internet Protocol

IP Address

A unique identifier for a node on an IP network. Expressed in “dotted
decimal” notation. For example:

IP Service

A network-accessible, IP-accessible Application Protocol. For
example: HTTP, FTP, and the like.


A public key and private key pair used to encrypt/decrypt messages.

Key Strength

Length, in bits, of keys used in data encryption or authentication. For
example: 56, 128, 512.


Matching public and private keys.