HP e-CommerceXML Accelerator sa7150 User Manual

Page 119

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C H A P T E R 5

Command Reference


show info

Display software version information.


HP SA7150>

show info

=== hp e-commerce/xml server accelerator sa7150
=== (c)Copyright 2001 Hewlett-Packard Company
=== Version 2.4.1, Build xx

set date

Set the date and time.

WARNING: Execution of this command reboots the SA7150.


HP SA7150> set date
Year [2000]:
Month [2]:
Day [16]:
Hour (24 hour clock) [15]:
Minute [10]:
The system must reboot for new time to set.
Reboot? [y]: n
HP SA7150>

show date

Displays current date and time.

set egress_mac

Allows the configuration of a SA7150 when the ingress and egress
traffic paths are different. (See Chapter 4, Scenario 5.)

set ether

Specify ethernet settings.


HP SA7150> set ether
1 - auto
2 - 10baseT, half duplex
3 - 10baseT, full duplex
4 - 100baseTX, half duplex
5 - 100baseTX, full duplex
Select media type [1]:
Media set to auto

