Procedure for scenario 4 – HP e-CommerceXML Accelerator sa7150 User Manual
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C H A P T E R 4 HP e-Commerce/XML Server Accelerator SA7150 User Guide
Procedure for
Scenario 4
1. Configure the SA7150 farthest from the server as described in
any of the preceding scenarios. Remain connected to that specific
SA7150 for the export configuration procedure.
NOTE: The SA7150
restarts when spill is
enabled. Depending on
the size of the current
configuration file, it can
require from 30 seconds
to seven minutes to return
to operations.
2. At the command prompt, type the set spill enable command.
This allows overflow traffic to be transferred to the second
SA7150 for processing.
3. Save the configuration.
HP SA7150> config save
Saving configuration to flash...
Configuration saved to flash
HP SA7150>
4. Export the configuration. Use the export config command.
Choose xmodem mode (x) to export.
HP SA7150> export config
Export protocol: (xmodem, ascii) [ascii]: x
Beginning export...
5. Select Receive from the HyperTerminal* Transfer menu.
6. Type or use the Browse button to specify the directory where you
wish to place the received file.
7. Select xmodem as the receiving protocol.
8. Click the Receive button.
9. Specify a filename for the received file and click OK. The
operation concludes and the normal prompt reappears.
Use Ctrl-X to kill transmission
Export successful!
HP SA7150>
10. Connect to the second SA7150, either through the console
connection or another window (if both are connected to the same
11. Import the configuration. Use the import config command to
begin the process. Select xmodem (x) and press Enter to begin
the import process.
HP SA7150> import config
Import protocol: (paste, xmodem) [paste]: x
Use Ctl-X to cancel upload
12. Select Send from the HyperTerminal* Transfer menu.
13. Type or use the Browse button to specify the file to send.