HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 10

WVP Event Analyzer Plug-in User Guide V01 – 536989-001
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1. Scanning EMS logs and creating databases (Module: EACOLL): A NonStop process pair
(program EACOLL) scans EMS logs once daily and updates the hourly, daily and monthly
databases. The collectors looked at can be set via the ‘EA Admin’ interface accessible from the
‘Admin’ menu of WVP. The log file scan takes place at the hour and minute specified at the time of
installation, which can be modified via the ‘EA Admin’ interface. Alert thresholds can be set for a
range of conditions within owner-subsystem combinations. Threshold conditions are checked at
the end of each daily run and if breached then events are generated using SSID 289. EA has
reserved event number range 500-700 for alert settings. In addition to counting events of all types:
Normal, Critical, Action & Info, a log is maintained for the action events tracking. These action
events are stored in files named EAyymmdd.EAACT (subvolume.filename), one for each day. The
volume where these files reside can be set via the ‘EA Admin’ interface and is initially defined
during the installation process.
2. Display of grids and charts showing event count statistics (Module: EAVIEW): Selecting the
Operations->Event Analyzer menu brings up a 2-dimensional grid showing event counts for the
most current year. From here, clicking on the day or month cells provide additional drilldown
options that bring up charts showing event distributions across days, hours, etc. The bar on the top
left corner shows the current filter settings. These can be modified to filter event results based on
owner, subsystem, application or event number.
3. Display of grids and charts showing action event statistics (Module: EAVIEW): When clicking
on the day cells from the 2-dimensional grid, if action events are present for that day, another
menu item that reads ‘Responsiveness’ shows up in the menu. Clicking ‘Responsiveness’ brings
up a new window showing all action events counts and statistics for each hour of the chosen day.
The statistics include maximum, minimum and average response times for the hour and for the
whole day. Clicking on a count brings up a new window with details about the action events.
4. Modification of configuration files and one-time loads (Modules: EAVIEW & EACOLL):
Selecting the Admin->EA Admin menu item in WVP brings up the EA Admin screen. The tabs at
the top take you to the screens that allow modifications of various configurations: Collection and
storage parameters, Exclusions, EMS Collectors, Database Retentions, Application Definitions, &
Alert Definitions. The ‘Load’ function allows you to load events from any date within the defined
retention range.
These functions are explained in greater detail in the later sections of the manual.