HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual
Page 465

3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
320-200231 Rev A
destination volume: The virtual volume to which data is copied during a physical copy
drive cage: See DC2, DC3, and DC4 drive cage.
drive cage FCAL: An interface module, located in a drive chassis, connecting a drive cage
to a controller node or to another drive cage.
enclosure services interface: Interface on the DC2 and DC4 drive cages through which
the node software communicates to the cage enclosure services controller to obtain
status and control the cage behaviors.
ESI: See enclosure services interface.
event: Logs created by the system which allow you to view the day-to-day health of your
export: To make a virtual volume available to a particular instance of a host (that is, a host
WWN that is actually present on a port) by creating an association between the
name of the virtual volume and a LUN for that host on that port. See also LUN,
VLUN, and VLUN template.
FCAL: Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop. FCAL is a fast serial bus interface standard used to
connect storage devices to servers.
Fibre Channel adapter: A Fibre Channel PCI host bus adapter (HBA) located in a controller
node. The Fibre Channel adapter connects a controller node to a host or to a drive
filtering: In the InForm Management Console, filtering a table temporarily removes table
entries that do not meet the specified criteria.
grow: To expand a base volume manually by increasing the user space, snapshot
administration space, or snapshot data space.
growth increment: The unit of storage by which additional logical disks are created and
allocated to a common provisioning group (CPG). The growth increment is used to
automatically create and allocate space on demand as additional resources are
required by the volumes that draw from the logical disk pool. The default growth
increment is fixed at 32 GB, but the minimum growth increment varies according to
the number of controller nodes in the system (from 8 GB for a two-node system to
32 GB for a four-node system).
growth limit: User-defined threshold that can be set for common provisioning groups
(CPGs) to cap their potential size. See also growth warning.
growth warning: User-defined threshold that can be set for common provisioning groups
(CPGs) to alert users when they reach a certain size. See also growth limit.