HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual

Page 416

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3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide


320-200231 Rev A

Step 2. Authorization

1. In the Privilege group box, select the following:

a. Domain - select a domain from the list.

Note: 3PAR Domains requires a 3PAR Domain license. For additional

information about the license, and for information about 3PAR Domains and
users, see the 3PAR InForm OS Concepts Guide.

b. Privilege - select the new user's privilege level in the selected domain.

2. Click Add to add the new user's selected privilege settings to the list in the Domain

group box.

3. (Optional) Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add access to other domains.
4. (Optional) To remove a row from the Domain group box, select the row and click


5. Click Next to view summary information, or click Finish.

Step 3. Summary

Review the summary information. When satisfied, click Finish.

See also:

Manager Pane

Creating Users

Removing Users

Viewing Users

Viewing the Security System Summary Manager