Fs8-18 blade removal and replacement, Multi-node eg replacement – Brocade Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide Supporting HP Secure Key Manager (SKM) and HP Enterprise Secure Key Manager (ESKM) Environments (Supporting Fabric OS v7.2.0) User Manual

Page 296

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Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (SKM/ESKM)


FS8-18 blade removal and replacement


1. Enter the cryptocfg


resume_rekey command, followed by the CryptoTarget container

name, the LUN number and the initiator PWWN.

FabricAdmin:switch> cryptocfg --resume_rekey my_disk_tgt 0x0 \


Operation Succeeded

2. Check the status of the resumed rekey session.

FabricAdmin:switch> cryptocfg --show -rekey -all

Read all data off the LUN and write it to another LUN. In this case, you can cancel the rekey
session by removing the LUN from its container and force committing the transaction.

Stop all traffic I/O from the initiators accessing the LUN before removing the LUN to avoid I/O
failure between the initiators and the LUN. If the LUN is exposed to more than one initiator
under different LUN Numbers, remove all exposed LUN Numbers. When there are multiple
paths to a LUN, you must remove the LUNs from all exposed CryptoTarget containers before
you commit the transaction. Failure to do so may result in a potentially catastrophic situation
where one path ends up being exposed through the encryption switch and another path has
direct access to the device from a host outside the protected realm of the encryption platform.

1. Enter the cryptocfg




LUN command followed by the CryptoTarget container

name, the LUN Number, and the initiator PWWN.

FabricAdmin:switch> cryptocfg --remove -LUN my_disk_tgt 0x0


Operation Succeeded

2. Commit the configuration with the


force option to completely remove the LUN and all

associated configuration data in the configuration database. The data remains on the
removed LUN in an encrypted state.

FabricAdmin:switch> cryptocfg --commit -force

Operation Succeeded

FS8-18 blade removal and replacement

The following procedures identify steps for removing and replacing an FS8-18 blade in a DCX
Backbone chassis. The procedures assume that the replacement blade is being inserted in the
same slot as the old blade that was removed.

For a multi-node replacement, refer to

“Multi-node EG replacement”

on page 276.

For a single-node replacement, refer to

“Single-node EG replacement”

on page 278.

Multi-node EG replacement

1. Power off the FS8-18 blade. Remove the I/O links and FC cables from the blade, noting where

each was attached so the replacement blade can be cabled properly.

2. Log in as Admin or FabricAdmin.