Hp-ux considerations – Brocade Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide Supporting HP Secure Key Manager (SKM) and HP Enterprise Secure Key Manager (ESKM) Environments (Supporting Fabric OS v7.2.0) User Manual
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Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (SKM/ESKM)
HP-UX considerations
3. If there are containers that belonged to the old encryption switch or blade, then after
configdownload is run, use the following command to change the ownership of containers to
the new encryption switch or blade, assuming the host and target physical zone exists.
Admin:switch> cryptocfg --replace
4. Commit the configuration.
Admin:switch> cryptocfg --commit
5. Use the following command to check if the switch or blade has the master key.
Admin:switch> cryptocfg --show -groupmember
6. If a master key is not present, restore the master key from backed up copy. Procedures will
differ depending on the backup media used (from recovery smart cards, from the key vault,
from a file on the network or a file on a USB-attached device). If new master key needs to be
generated, generate the master key and back it up.
If authentication cards are used, set the authentication quorum size from the encryption group
leader node after importing and registering the necessary number of Authentication Card
HP-UX considerations
The HP-UX OS requires LUN 0 to be present. LUNs are scanned differently based on the type value
returned for LUN 0 by the target device.
If the type is 0, then HP-UX only scans LUNs from 0 to 7. That is the maximum limit allowed by
HP-UX for device type for type 0.
If the type is 0xC, then HP-UX scans all LUNs.
For HP-UX multi-path configurations:
Add LUN 0 as a cleartext LUN.
Make sure to configure a dummy LUN 0 for each host accessing multi-path LUNs through CTCs
in the encryption switch.
cryptocfg -–add –LUN
Best practices are as follows:
Create a cryptoTarget container for the target WWN.
Add the HP-UX initiator WWN to the container.
Issue the discover LUN CLI command on the container to discover the LUNs present in the
Based on the LUN list returned as part of LUN discovery, add the LUN 0 if LUN 0 is present in
the target (which is usually the case).