Additional reference material – ZOLL E Series Monitor Defibrillator Rev D User Manual
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9650-1450-01 Rev. D
E Series Service Manual
This unit can generate up to 2250 volts with sufficient current to cause lethal shocks.
All persons near the equipment must be warned to STAND CLEAR prior to discharging the defibrillator.
Do not discharge the unit’s internal energy more than three times in one minute or damage to the unit may result.
Do not discharge a battery pack except in a ZOLL SurePower™
Charger Station or compatible ZOLL Battery Charging/Testing unit.
Do not use the E Series in the presence of flammable agents (such as gasoline), oxygen-rich atmospheres, or flammable anesthetics. Using the unit near the
site of a gasoline spill may cause an explosion.
Do not use the unit near or within puddles of water.
The E Series is protected against interference from radio frequency emissions typical of two-way radios and cellular phones (digital and analog)
used in emergency service/public safety activities. Users of the E Series should assess the unit’s performance in their typical environment of use
for the possibility of radio frequency interference from high-power sources. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) may be observed as shifts in
monitor baseline, trace compression, or transient spikes on the display.
Additional Reference Material
In addition to this guide, there are several other components to the ZOLL E Series documentation. They include:
E Series Operator’s Guide - A comprehensive reference work that describes all the user tasks needed to operate the E Series.
E Series Configuration Guide - Describes the E Series features and functions whose operation can be customized by authorized users.
E Series Operator’s Guide Option Insert: 12-Lead ECG Monitoring- Describes using the 12-lead ECG monitoring option with the E Series unit.
E Series Operator’s Guide Option Insert: End Tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO
)- Describes using the EtCO
option with the E Series unit.
E Series Operator’s Guide Option Insert: Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP)- Describes using the NIBP option with the E Series unit.
E Series Operator’s Guide Option Insert: Pulse Oximetry (SpO
)- Describes using the SpO
option with the E Series unit.
E Series Operator’s Guide Option Insert: Non-Interpretive 12-Lead ECG Monitoring- Describes using the non-interpretive 12-lead ECG monitoring
option with the E Series unit.
E Series Operator’s Guide Option Insert:12-Lead Reperfusion Therapy Algorithm - Describes the reperfusion therapy algorithm option for the E Series