Ransburg, Mma-570 direct/indirect charge - maintenance – Ransburg MMA-570 Direct_Ind Charge Atomizer A13366 User Manual
Page 59

Before installing high voltage ring, fill
the cavity in the high voltage ring between
the input and the outer diameter with di-
electric grease (see “Atomizer Removal”
figure in the “Maintenance” section).
O-rings with A11545-00 Petrolatum Jell. Slide high
voltage ring onto atomizer body making sure high
voltage input is located at the top of the unit. Push
firmly until it stops against the atomizer extension
and is engaged on the locking pins. Rotate high
voltage ring clockwise 10-15° to lock ring into place.
Some force may be required with a new ring, but
a solid lock will be felt when properly installed.
Before installing the curved tube, ensure the outer
ring of the high voltage input is filled with new
dielectric grease. Reinstall high voltage cable
and curved tube and tighten locknut securely by
hand. Proper high voltage cable installation can
be verified by checking probe resistance from the
electrodes to the end of the high voltage cable per
use of a Yakogawa megohm meter or equivalent.
Attach one lead to the end of the high voltage
cable and touch the other end to the wire at the
tip of each electrode, one at a time. The reading
should be 209-231 megohms for use at sea level.
If not, recheck connection in the high voltage ring.
Atomizer Reassembly (Direct Charge)
Make certain the retaining ring is on the mount-
ing manifold prior to installing any tubes. Install
all tubing to the appropriate port in the mounting
manifold. Ensure the high voltage cable is prop-
erly secured into the plug before tightening the
compression nut.
Once the tubes are attached, secure the mounting
manifold to the robot with the four (4) screws.
Align the turbine manifold assembly with the
mounting manifold assembly and press firmly. A
slight press-fit is typical as O-rings engage.
While standing in front of applicator tighten the
retaining ring counter-clockwise. Use of the span-
ner wrench to aid in tightening may be necessary.
High Voltage Cable Installation
Direct Charge - Insert the high voltage cable
into the hole labeled “HV/GND” on the rear of the
mounting manifold until it bottoms into the banana
jack receptacle. Tighten nut on fitting until cable
is secure. Do not overtighten.
Indirect Charge - Insert the high voltage cable
into the curved tube of the high voltage ring as
shown in “High Voltage Cable Installation” figure.
Insert the ground cable into the hole labeled
“HV/GND” on the rear of the mounting manifold
until it bottoms into the banana jack receptacle.
Tighten nut on fitting until cable is secure. Do not
Direct charge option 78152-00 high
voltage splitter will allow up to four (4) at-
omizers to operate at the same voltage
from one 74593-XX cascade and con-
troller. The splitter will thread directly
onto the cascade output tube. The high
voltage cable will then insert into any of
the splitter block outlets. Any port that is
unused must be plugged. Attach ground
wire from the shield to a known good
earth ground source.
MMA-570 Direct/Indirect Charge - Maintenance