FEC AFC1500 User Manual
Page 88

AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev2.1)
PAGE 5 - 44
Chapter 5: Control Interfaces
5.9.1 Component Descriptions
Fieldbus Interface Connection
Pin 1
Communication Line
Pin 2
Communication Line
Pin 3
Digital Ground
Pin 4
Connect cable shield
Pin 5
Field Ground
Mating Connector: Allows in-line “series” connection
Wiring of the CC-Link network should be performed by using the cable listed above in the CC-Link
Specifications. The three twisted conductors should be wired in series to each CC-Link device,
using a terminating resistor at the Master end and on the last Remote/Local device between the DA
& DB terminals.
Termination of the CC-Link requires a terminating resistor at each end of the fieldbus. Connect 120
ohm resistor between the DA & DB terminals if this is the last connection. (Remember that the CC-
Link master also needs to be terminated)
Baud Rate Switch
This rotary switch is used to specify the baud rate of the module.
This can also be specified in the FB_INIT mailbox command. In this
case, the switch must be set to “9”.
This setting MUST match the setting of the Master module. This
switch must be set before power is on and cannot be changed
during operation.
Station Number Switches
These two rotary switches are used to specify the station number of the module
(Two digit decimal). The Upper rotary switch (closest to the Baud Rate Switch) sets
the “tens” digit (10x), and the bottom rotary switch sets the “ones” digit (1x). Valid
settings range from 1 up to 64
Example: To set station number 24, place the “tens” digit switch on 2 and the
“ones” digit switch on 4.
This can also be specified in the FB_INIT mailbox command. In this case, the
switches must be set to “99”.
This switch must be set before power is on, and cannot be changed during
1) If more than one station is occupied by the module, the highest possible station number is
reduced by the number of occupied stations minus one.
:Phoenix Contact
Model Name
:TMSTBP 2.5/5-ST-5.08
*Connector is attached.