Micromod MOD: 30ML Operation and Template Setup User Manual
Page 46

MOD 30ML Multiloop Controller
This section describes the operations required in transferring a single control loop between
the automatic and manual control modes, and the influence of automatic or manual reset on
these operations.
Transfer from Manual to Automatic
The front panel displays and control key operations for the transfer manual to automatic
resemble the example below.
Press the A key to transfer from manual to automatic
[AUT] indicates that the control loop is in automatic
[LOC] indicates local set-point, [RMT] indicates remote
[SP] indicates that the current set-point value is
displayed on Line 6 (bottom line).
∇/∆ arrow display indicates that local set-point can be
changed in automatic.
Transfer from Automatic to manual
The front panel displays and control key operations for the transfer from automatic to manual
resemble the example below.
Press the manual key to transfer from automatic to
manual control.
[MAN] indicates that the control loop is in manual mode,
and [OP] with the
∇/∆ arrow display indicates that control
output displayed on Line 6 can be adjusted using the
arrow keys.
[LOC] indicates local set-point, [RMT] indicates remote
set-point, and [TRK] indicates that local set-point is
tracking the process value while the loop in manual so
that the set-point and process are equal when the loop is
transferred back to automatic.